
Final Champions Match Play Asturias 2024

After the exciting final played at the La Morgal Golf Course, we successfully conclude the Champions Match Play Asturias 2024. This edition leaves us with great moments, and from Lobo&Pato...

Final Champions Match Play Asturias 2024

After the exciting final played at the La Morgal Golf Course, we successfully conclude the Champions Match Play Asturias 2024. This edition leaves us with great moments, and from Lobo&Pato...

Diego Pérez es el primer Champions Match Play Asturias 2024!!!

Diego Pérez is the first Champions Match Play A...

The first champion in the history of our competition. With a turn of even in the final Livestock-Yeguada Eduardo Castañón. Congratulations to runner-up Mario Álvarez Camporro.

Diego Pérez is the first Champions Match Play A...

The first champion in the history of our competition. With a turn of even in the final Livestock-Yeguada Eduardo Castañón. Congratulations to runner-up Mario Álvarez Camporro.

Rubén Dario Batillana es Champion Match Play Asturias 2024.

Rubén Dario Batillana is Champion Match Play As...

After beating Miguel Álvarez in the final, which ended on the 18th hole with the final result of 1up. We congratulate both finalists for their effort and good performance during...

Rubén Dario Batillana is Champion Match Play As...

After beating Miguel Álvarez in the final, which ended on the 18th hole with the final result of 1up. We congratulate both finalists for their effort and good performance during...