Final Champions Match Play Asturias 2024

After the exciting final played at the La Morgal Golf Course, we successfully conclude the Champions Match Play Asturias 2024. This edition leaves us with great moments, and from Lobo&Pato we want to take a moment to express our gratitude to all the people and entities that made this golf competition possible.

First of all, we would like to thank the Fernando Alonso Foundation for providing us with the magnificent La Morgal course and allowing this competition to take place in an unbeatable setting. Their hospitality has been essential to ensure that all participants enjoyed a first-class experience.

We also extend our appreciation to the golf course staff. In particular, to Vicente and “Poche” , who, with their effort, professionalism and dedication, made everything flow in the best possible way, taking care of every detail so that the players lived a memorable experience.

Thank you to Oscar Fernández Rubio for leading our committee and his efforts in the development of the conference.

We cannot forget our sponsors . They trusted us from the very beginning, and their support has been the fundamental pillar to sustain this competition. Their backing has not only been an economic boost, but also a sign of commitment to sport and the development of golf in our region.

But above all, we would like to make a special mention of the real protagonists of this competition: the participants . Each one of you has been the driving force that has given life to this edition. Champions Match Play Asturias 2024. We appreciate your dedication, your sportsmanship, and the passion you have shown in every match. You have shown great quality both on and off the field, and we sincerely hope that you have enjoyed the competition as much as we have enjoyed organizing it for you.

We are proud to have witnessed so many outstanding performances. Congratulations to the winners of the first edition. Your enthusiasm, respect for the game and sportsmanship are the true legacy of this competition. Thank you for being part of this adventure, and we look forward to seeing you in future editions.

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